Tag: Shoulder Pain

  • Your Shoulder Without Agenda

    Your Shoulder Without Agenda

    This gentle but powerful practice explores a concept as well as the shoulder through movement and mindfulness. Your practice will be supported by a simple task, moving from a place of curiosity rather than agenda. You will have an opportunity to explore how your beliefs shape your impressions of your shoulder as well as your…

  • Yin & Meditation for Acceptance

    Yin & Meditation for Acceptance

    This practice is about moving forward with compassion, rather than squashing our feelings or disappointment or grief. We will explore poses that focus on the shoulders, chest and upper back as we progress through a gentle meditation. Our meditation is loosely based on the Tonglen or Lions’ Roar practice from the Tibetan Buddhism.

  • Sublime Side Bends

    Sublime Side Bends

    This is the kind of wiggly, stretchy, feel-y practice that I love. We will focus our movement on more comfortable side bending, but I think that you will find that the side bend contributes to many other movements like shoulder comfort and hip mobility.