Tag: Lower Body
Metabolic Blast
Petey and I want you to know that your lower body, especially your calf muscles are highly related to metabolism. The soleus muscle especially, when toned and strong is thought to increase metabolism by returning blood from the periphery more quickly to the heart.
Standing Practice for Stronger Legs
A quick standing practice to fire up your legs. This practice targets the posterior, anti gravity muscles: calves, hamstrings, glutes and also the quads.
Movement Snack: Hallway Flow
I originally developed this little movement snack for a client of mine who is an ICU nurse. On long overnight shifts she would coral her co-workers with their resistance bands to do this hallway flow with her.
Resistance Band: Lower Body Floor Flow
This is my absolute favorite way to do strength work. As someone who is hypermobile, having the stability and feedback from the floor is so helpful. If you are just getting into strength work, having the floor will give you that extra security and stability that you need to feel safe and confident.
Resistance Band Short Lower Body Movement Snack
Just a quick practice to wake up the posterior chain. Movement snacks are a great way to get in some activity throughout the day. I recommend that you plan a 5-10 minute movement snack every hour or so if you sit all day for work.